Tuesday 28 August 2012

Expression of Agreement/Disagreement.

Study the following dialogue to express gratitude.
Lily          : What do you think about our school regulations?
Ali           : I agree with some regulations, but I don't agree with some others.
Lily          : What do you mean?
Ali           : Yeah, basically I go along with the school regulations. It's a necessary in an institution like school, but there are some regulations that I disagree with.
Lily          : What are they?
Ali           : First, if I come late for school we miss the first lesson. We are not allowed to enter the class. You know my house is far away from school. Sometimes, I am late! Also, we have to take at least two extracurricular activities. I don't want to spend too much time at school.

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement
I agree with you.
I go along with that.
You're right.
It's true.
I don't agree with them.
You're wrong.
I disagree.
I don't go along with that.

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